updated 9/8/2021
In accordance with CDC guidelines for most* of our locations:

Face masks or face coverings are required for unvaccinated guests.

Face masks or face coverings are optional for fully vaccinated guests.
*A face mask or face covering is required FOR ALL while inside the store in the following locations:
All stores in New York State
Oxford, Storrs, and Windsor CT
Lebanaon and Keene NH
Rutland and Brattleboro VT
Shrewsbury, Worcester and Lenox MA.
SOCIAL DISTANCING Please maintain social distancing by staying 6’ apart.
Be safe. Shop alone.

Grocery shopping alone is the best way to minimize exposure for your household. It also makes it easier to maintain the 6′ rule between you and others while shopping and at checkout.
Be safe. Shop alone
ONE is important for the safety of many.
Our Commitment
We continue to work to support and sustain all who are connected to us. We continue to keep our doors open to serve you, our lines of communication open to inform you and our best practices for illness prevention in place to protect you. We’re all in this together!
We're Hiring
We are currently accepting applications in our Price Chopper, Market 32 and Market Bistro stores. Join our team and help us support our community during this time.
No current announcements
store information
Individual store hours may vary.
Most stores will be open exclusively to seniors and the immunocompromised from 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM each and every day.
For details on your specific store, please visit our store locator >
Effective immediately for the stores in MA, new pharmacy hours are listed below:
Mon- Fri: 7am-7pm, Sat: 7am-5pm, Sun: 7am-3pm
**The 7am-8am hour will be for seniors only.**
Pittsfield • Great Barrington • Webster • Gardner • Main & Cambridge • Worcester • Shrewsbury • Mountain Road
Your health & safety. Our top priority.
Safe shopping involves of us all doing our part. With the wellbeing of everyone our top priority, we have undertaken a number of measures to ensure the safety of our customers and our teammates.
Before coming to our store, check here to find out about these initiatives, and what you can do to protect yourself and others.
We are committed to ensuring our customers and teammates remain safe and secure.
We have undertaken a number of measures within our stores to provide an optimal shopping experience:
• Dedicated shopping hours for seniors and other vulnerable members of our community
• We encourage adherence to safe social distancing per CDC guidelines
• Masks and hand sanitizer provided to sales associates for use throughout the day
• Plexiglass shields at check-out
• Reduced store hours to allow for expanded nightly disinfection
• Day-long cleaning and disinfection of high traffic areas
• In accordance with CDC guidelines, face masks or face coverings are required for unvaccinated guests. Face masks or face coverings are optional for fully vaccinated guests.
Some reminders of what you can you can do as our partner in safety:
• Please designate one person in your household to do the shopping
• Wear a disposable face mask or re-usable facial covering
• Respect social distancing
• Do not enter store if you are not feeling well or show any symptoms
We’d like to give a big shout out to all of our store teammates
on the front lines during this unprecedented time.
We’re all in this together
Thanks to Jason G in our Glenville NY Market 32 for the photo!