Mia Teal
E-Commerce Marketing Department
What seemed like a mild winter has turned into many inches of snow…all at once. It’s times like these where we don’t feel like budging, and we just cannot seem to get warm no matter what! At Price Chopper and Market 32, we have some delicious ways for you to get warm! Take a look below at some of our warm beverages.
Hot chocolate:
Warm chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream hit the spot! Some of our hot chocolate options include:
- PICS Hot Cocoa Single Serve Cup
- PICS Hot Chocolate Packets with Marshmallows
- PICS Sugar Free Hot Chocolate Packets
- PICS Hot Cocoa Mix
Recipe Alert! Mexican Hot Chocolate
Not feeling the traditional hot chocolate today? We understand. Try out this delicious Mexican Hot Chocolate made with PICS whole milk, cinnamon, cayenne peppers, and chocolate morsels.

There are so many ways to make tea to your liking. Try adding in PICS honey, PICS sugar packets, or even a splash of PICS milk! Some of our flavors include:
- PICS Chai Tea K-Cups
- PICS Black Tea Bags
- PICS Decaffeinated Black Tea Bags
- PICS Green Tea Bags
- PICS Decaffeinated Green Tea Bags
Recipe Alert! Warm Berry, Tea, & Cider Punch

If we listed out all of our PICS coffee, the entire page would be filled! Here are just a few of our coffee options:
- PICS Ground French Vanilla Light Roast Coffee
- PICS House Blend Medium Roast Single Serve Cup Coffee
- PICS French Vanilla Cappuccino Single Serve Cup
- PICS 100% Colombian Ground Coffee
- PICS Half Caffeine Medium Roast Single Serve Cup Coffee
Recipe Alert! Viennese Coffee | LavAzza
Remember – Warm weather is coming, but for now, a cup of Joe will have to suffice!