Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN Senior Nutritionist
Greek Yogurt Greatness!
On a beautiful, breezy May morning we made our way to Bainbridge, New York, headed for Terry Ives’ Greenview family farm. Welcome to our 30 days of Greek yogurt adventure – it is going to be delicious!
We begin where milk starts its journey – at a family-owned dairy farm. Greenview Farm has nurtured 6 generations of the Ives family – the farm was established in 1851.Terry and his son Caleb meet us at the upper barn, which houses calves of different ages. One young calf works hard trying to give me a kiss or figure out if I have a treat for him. The barn was built in stages, with each generation adding
a new section or new process to improve farm operations. There are 75 cows on this farm, and 60 are currently milking. The wind is brisk, but the sun is out and the hills and hollows all around us are deep green, all pasture for Terry’s cows. On average, they each produce about 135 pounds of milk per day – or, in more familiar measure, 15.5 gallons each. Super care and no stress maximizes health and production – happy cows make the best quality milk. This milk is headed to the nearby Chobani plant, about ten miles away – it’s hard to get more local than that!
Terry offers some insight into the history of the local dairy community – he has the minutes from the first Dairylea (Dairyman’s League) meeting, in 1921. He takes us into the barn, and a journey through time and technology, sharing milestones – for example, Terry’s grandfather started milk testing in the 1940s, and they built the current milk parlor in 1964, where cows are milked twice per day. He educates us with passion and confidence – high quality milk depends healthy cows, cleanliness, excellent milking technique, good nutrition and good equipment.
We wind our way through the different
sections of upper barn, and see all of their work laid out – milking and milk quality, safety and storage, cow and calf care, silage and nutrition, land and water management. After a detailed lesson in cow nutrition, we move down to the free stall barn, built in the 1970s, where most of the cows are kept. The doors are open to the pasture, to allow them to wander in and out, now that the weather has warmed. Overall, there are 463 acres for the cows to roam on, with a pretty little stream running at the bottom of the old orchard and steep vale behind the lower barn.
This was a great start to our day – so we would like to share some great Greek yogurt recipes to start your day! Get focused with the protein punch of Greek yogurt, whole grains and fresh fruit.
(Fresh blueberries are in our stores!)
(Fresh cut fruit in the produce section of our stores makes this super easy!)
(Bonus – mangoes are in season and in our stores now!)