To apply for sponsorship or charitable support:
The Golub Corporation, Price Chopper and Market 32 are committed to social responsibility. Our sponsorship and giving program assists soundly managed and operated organizations that work to improve the quality of life in our communities.
The charitable branch of the Golub Corporation, Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, was established in 1981 and provides financial support to eligible non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations. Contributions are made in the areas of health and human services, arts, culture, education, and youth activities, within Price Chopper/Market 32 marketing areas.
Local Price Chopper and Market 32 stores offer free ticket printing and cups and napkins to help make fundraisers successful. Non-profit groups may speak with the manager at the Price Chopper or Market 32 closest to the organization.
To be considered for support, please follow these guidelines:
- • Submissions must be received no less than 6 weeks prior to the program/event start date.
- • 501(c)(3) organizations are required to upload a copy of their federal ruling letter.
- • Organizations are allowed to make one request for support per fiscal year (May-April).
- • Allow up to 4 weeks for a response.
Price Chopper/Market 32 and Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation do not contribute to:
- • Individuals
- • Campaigns of political organizations.
- • Organizations and events outside of our marketing areas.
- • Endowments
To apply, please be prepared to provide the following information:
- • Organization mission/vision
- • Who it serves, how
- • How many are served
- • Market Served and Price Chopper/Market 32 stores impacted
- • Demographic information
- • What you are requesting support of
- • Amount or item being requested
- • If a 501c3 non-profit, a copy of your 501c3 ruling letter
- • Acknowledgement/recognition being offered
- • How the event will be promoted, if applicable