Please note: Our phone lines are currently down.
Please use the form fields below to contact us.

Contact Us

For information and help on accessing and clipping eCoupons, click here.

For any Delivery or Pickup concerns, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. To contact Instacart Support, please call 888-246-7822 or email

Do you have a product return request from your online order?  You can initiate your own product return from an online order here.

For other questions or concerns, use the form below to reach out to us. We’ll direct your comment, question or concern to the appropriate team and respond as soon as we can.

Due to the larger than normal call and email volume, our response times may be longer than usual. We are making every effort to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. MON-FRI 8:30am – 6pm SAT and SUN 10am – 4pm.

  • 0 of 1500 max characters
  • Product Information

    If there is an issue with a product you purchased, please provide the following information.
  • YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.